Camille Javal

I've known this for longer than I can remember. It's included in Pears Ultimate Quiz Companion (Jim Hensman, 1989), How to Win Any Pub Quiz (John Smith, 1993), and the A to Z of (almost) Everything (Trevor Montague, 2001) – three of the most comprehensive quiz reference books I know.

The thing is, though: it's not true!

At least ... Wikipedia doesn't think so. It gives Brigitte Bardot's parents as Louis Bardot (1896–1975) and Anne–Marie "Toty" Bardot (née Mucel; 1912–78).

Camille Javal was actually the name of the character that Brigitte Bardot played in a film called Le Mépris (released in the USA, and hence frequently known on the Internet, under the translated title Contempt). This was her 32nd film; directed by Jean–Luc Godard, it was very well received by critics.

When I googled "brigitte bardot camille javal", the only hit that backed up the claim that this was the actress's real name was Better Known (.com). The general look and feel of this site make me loth to place too much credence on its contents!

So how did the myth – for that's what it appears to be – arise? I have no idea. If you can enlighten me, please email me.

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